Community Workshops
How we can help:
Social Conscience
We deliver and co-ordinate social and community development projects for construction companies and companies in other sectors that want to engage with and support local communities in the geographical areas they are operating from.
We provide a 360-degree review, evaluation and analysis of the community needs and can deliver support and development projects that engage with the whole community or targeted sections of that community. Such as schools, the elderly, veterans, children and families or those facing barriers to engaging with the community such as substance misuse, homelessness or poor mental health.
Outreach Work and Youth Engagement
Our teams have experience of engaging with the most hard-to-reach individuals in some of the most deprived and challenging wards in the North-West. Our out-reach sessions can reduce Anti-social behaviour and vandalism. We engage with young people to ascertain the reasons behind the behaviour then develop projects with and for the young people that strengthen communities and help reduce unwanted behaviour.
Who we've worked with.
We work with sponsors to source funding to cover the cost of our projects for schools, charities and community groups.